These muffins are so delicious! Moist and lovely taste of chocolate!

12 muffins

You will need
100 ml of cocoa powder
200 ml of melted butter
125 ml boiling water
300 ml of sugar
325 ml of flour
1 tsp of baking powder
2 eggs
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1/4 tsp of salt

200 g of chopped dark chocolate

How I make them:

How to:
Heat the oven to 160 degrees C convention.

Mix flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and cocoa together. Add butter, vanilla and eggs in. When it is mixed well then in with the boiling water. Stir well and then put in the chopped chocolate. Add the dough in to 12 muffin molds and bake for 25-28 minutes.

Bon appetite!

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De her muffins er så lækre! Skøn smag af chokolade!

12 muffins

Du skal bruge
1 dl kakao
2 dl smeltet smør (200 g)
1,25 dl kogende vand
3 dl sukker
3,25 dl mel
2 æg
1 tsk bagepulver
1 tsk vaniljeekstrakt
1/4 tsk salt

200 g hakket mørk chokolade

Sådan her laver jeg dem:

Sådan gør du:
Tænd ovnen på 160 grader varmluft

Bland mel, sukker, salt, bagepulver og kakao sammen. Kom så smør, vanilje og æg i. Når det er blandet kommes det kogende vand i. Rør godt og kom så den hakkede chokolade i. Fordel i 12 muffin forme og bag i 25-28 minutter.
